
As a HARC Member:
- You can participate in the special event station operations from the USS Hornet.
- You can work with the USS Hornet live aboard program assisting Boy Scouts in obtaining their radio merit badge.
- You can provide QSO support for the radio merit badge class from on or off of the ship.
- You can participate in the restoration of vintage radio equipment for use aboard the USS Hornet.
- You can become a Hornet volunteer and serve as a museum docent, security team member, or live aboard crew member.
Only licensed members who have completed the Hornet Museum New Volunteer Orientation (NVO) and who have been approved by the station custodian are allowed to
operate the NB6GC Station independently.
Non-trained members and visitors may be allowed access and operating privileges consistent with the class of their Amateur
Radio License during special events.
Annual Dues: Twenty Dollars ($20) per calendaryear (January 1 - December 31).
707 W Hornet Ave
Pier 3, Alameda Point
PO Box 460
Alameda, CA 94601
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